Day-traders get immediate feedback on the decisions they make. Some day traders place hundreds of trades per day, and the results could potentially accelerate their learning ability as they learn fast and frequently as to what decisions work and what does not. The situation that results in positive outcomes could be carried over to the next trading sessions. The same applies to the negative results that provide great feedback on your trading skills or personal attributes. For example, if you are not logic driven, overly impulsive, and unable to analyze risk and reward under pressure, you likely won’t be able to succeed in day trading; you won’t acquire the necessary day trading skills to acquire the day trading benefits that’ll allow you to continue successfully day trading. Day trading will teach you how important it is to control your emotions and to stay cognitively sharp. It also highlights the tension between cold decision-making and “gut” intuition, as both can conflict. Most importantly, day trading teaches you to think before you act.